We are the YRUU (Young Religious Unitarian
Universalists) of the First Unitarian Congregation of
Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Here is the Permission form for Ottawa YRUU youth group events. Here is the one from Asha from last year.
Here is the QuOM Con form (April 7-9, South Peel).
OWL materials are here.
Since advisors are not always able to drive to weekend gatherings, we would
like to have a list of people who would be willing to drive occasionally to
events, without being regular advisors. However, these people would be
advisors for the weekend event they drive to. Occasional drivers should
have a drivers license and be open to attending a conference.
If these positions sound good to you, please email the YAC or talk to the youth on a
Sunday morning at church.
CUC youth program:
Two Ottawa youth are members of the CUC Youth Advisory Group, Stephen
Turnbull and Asha Philar. The YAG is a group with representatives from each
Canadian Region and a few other youth and adults, who help empower the
Canadian youth voice and foster communications of youth across the country.
Stephen is also the Youth Observer to the CUC Board. For more information
about the Canadian Unitarian Council, see the CUC website or email Stephen or Asha.
There is a photo collection from past YRUU events in Ottawa and around
the district, including the 2 Ottawa cons and youth retreats. The pictures
were taken by youth advisor Richard Guy
Briggs who is a great photographer and a wonderful
Saint Lawrence District (SLD) permission forms for SLD activities and
youth group events can be found in plain ASCII text and PDF formats.
Updated forms for SLD YRUU activities are here. The required adult ethics form is here.
The OWL information page is here.
QuOM's newest edition of the regional newsletter, QuOMunications is
out and coming soon to a congregation near you!! To download a pdf
version of it, go to www.cuc.ca/youth.
You can also find QuOM's youth programming survey and flyers for the upcoming
SDC there.
Upcoming Events:
KinderQUOM form
Past Events:
YRUU advisor training workshop:
Friday Sept 12-Sunday Sept 14, 2003
More information is
Schenectady con: April 4-6, $35, forms are on this website,
transportation is being organized by Neil, bring forms to Youth group on
Sunday so they can be signed by Caroline.
Advisors Wanted!!!
The Youth Group is currently in search of 3 new
advisors and 3 occasional drivers. Being an advisor is an amazing oportunity
to become involved in the youth group and the continental youth movement, as
well as being a rewarding and challenging position. Youth advisors are
expected to come to some Sunday meetings (rotation figured out by advisors),
drive to at least 1 conference a year, attend some overnight sleepovers and
retreats, and check email regularily. Advisors should be enthusiastic,
open-minded, tolerant, nice, preferably be able to drive and even more
preferably own a van, and should be able to work as a team with youth and
other advisors. For more information contact any of the current advisors
(for advisors contact information email Richard Briggs)
Toronto con:
A contingent of Ottawa youth attended the "Construct-a-con" conference
in Toronto on the
weekend of February 28. There are photos of:
The con was a great event, with about 60 youth and advisors attending.
During the con's business meetings, a regional Youth Adult Committee was
created and alot of great visioning took place about the future of the QuOM
region. The members of the YAC are Sasha Cragg-Gore (Toronto), Riannon
(Montreal), Asha Philar (Ottawa), Scott Keeler (Toronto) and Susan Berry
(South Peel). They will do important work to keep the region functioning and
to improve the communication and programming for youth in Quebec, Ontario
and the Maritimes.
Ottawa con 2002:
The Ottawa UU Youth Group held a youth
conference from November 1st-3rd, 2002. It was geared towards youth
of the Canadian QuOM (Quebec, Ontario, Maritimes) Region and youth from the
Lawrence UUA District.
The con was a great success, drawing over 170 youth and advisors from
Ontario, Quebec and New York state. The theme was Kinderjarken, which means
living in the moment and having a jarkoriffic time in life. At the con,
youth and advisors met new friends and saw old ones, ate, didn't sleep and
participated in workshops such as Jark tag, Myers-Briggs, photography,
dress-up, Jark, crazy hair and managing strong feelings. Thank you very
much to everyone who helped plan the con, YRUU advisors and parents, adults
who were overnight advisors, our ministers and all the attendees. It was
quite a joyous occasion!!
The word "jark" is now official. Check out the definition of jark - 1 and jark - 2 at the Pseudo Dictionary site.
We are part of the Canadian Unitarian Council Youth
Program. Please see the CUC youth website for more information about
upcoming events, youth groups accross Canada, existing email lists and the
Winter/Spring Youth Newsletter "Busking on the Causeway".
CUC Youth
Ottawa con 2001:
We held a youth conference from the on February 9-11, 2001. The theme
was 'irrationality'. There are photos of the con on the photos
The con got mentions on a couple of documents found on the web
including the CUC's May 2001
Newsletter and the Unitarian Universalist Society of
January 16, 2001 UU
February 26, 2001 UU
YRUU photo pages
In June 2001, we lost of one of our members and friend
Brebner (1984-11-19 to 2001-06-16) to a bolt of lightning. There is a photo
collage here
Email lists:
There are a number of electronic mailing
lists for the Ottawa Youth Group, advisors, parents and the Youth Adult
Committee (YAC). These lists are only for members of these groups.
Last modified by
Richard Guy Briggs
Mon Mar 13 09:17:19 EST 2006
. Please
email me
for web page feedback.